Apple watch set to revolutionise the world of online gaming

slots online gamblingSmartphones have brought the world of online casinos to a wider audience and now the Apple Watch is set to take things onto a different level, giving us even more freedom to gamble on the move. The new Apple device, as well as the Kickstarter-funded Pebble, will soon become mainstays in modern life as wearable tech and the Internet of Things means constant connectivity is now a must.

With the relative simplicity of online casino games, the smaller screen on the Apple Watch is not a significant barrier to playing and it won’t be long before we’re able to throw a die or turn a card with a simple tap or a flick of the wrist. Slots Time, a digital fruit machine, is already here and winning rave reviews on the App Store and there are a number of blackjack and poker games ready to download. Titles are yet to embrace the full functionality of the watch, but these are the early prototypes.

The possibilities are endless

Roulette could utilise motion sensors in the Apple Watch to create a realistic level of power applied to the wheel. Depositing the ball will create that moment of anticipation and casual gamers that might not normally consider playing in casinos could find themselves loving the endorphin rush that goes with a win. Casino-style roulette is already available on the App Store, but the Apple Watch will allow games to become more advanced and user-friendly.

Of course, there will be no excuse for missing a freeplay casino bonus either, as your watch will alert you to any special offers from your favourite online gambling site.

Online gambling on your Apple Watch

All the major card games can be controlled with a simple combination of flicks and taps, and the Apple Watch could have another use, too. Virtual Reality is on the way and you can bet your bottom dollar the big name casinos will be quick to establish a huge presence. The Apple Watch will inevitably form part of the solution.

In the short term, the Apple Watch is going to mean a flood of simple interface games and an explosion in new microgaming casinos. In the long term it will be an integral part of a more immersive and advanced gaming experience. In both cases, though, Apple Watch is set to change the face of gaming as we know it.

I'm Jordan Gate, the editor at Connect with me to stay up-to-date with what's going on in the gambling industry.